Thursday, May 26, 2011


Oh hey there..............been awhile since Ms.Bee posted huh?  Check this out!

I'll believe it when I feel it OK?  Because the weather here has SUCKED!  That's right I said it - SUCKED!  I think this is a cruel joke being played on me........

One more thing because I'm not in a gabbing mood at 10:15PM at night.........

If you're the praying kind, please pray for this most beautiful girl Emily, her Mom (who is pictured with her) - and her family............Emily was in a horrific bicycle accident last weekend in Michigan - she was wearing a helmet and she had a fractured skull!  Wear your helmets if you bike people!  And say an extra prayer for Emily and her family tonight!

Eileen is Emily's Mom - I grew up with Eileen and we were childhood friends.  We fought off bat colonies (really we were attacked) together - and brought a big Buick station wagon to it's knees just putting it in reverse and backing it into a tree (Eileen was at the wheel by default - she was older).  Eileen also had the Barbie camper!  Can you say jealous?   Eileen's Mom Mary, who is just a doll of a lady is my pseudo Godmother as my real Godmother passed away when I was an infant.  Mary stepped up to the plate and offered her Godmotherness to me because I was feeling sorry for myself and whining that I didn't have a Godmother! She is that kinda lady!  Here is Mary and her husband Jim - aren't they a handsome couple?

One more thing ( I promise for real) before I leave you...........Here is my most handsome son Patrick and his girlfriend Lindsey at the Prom 2 weeks ago...........they are so very cute no? :)