Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Over the river and through the woods to Aunt Meg's house we go!

Some randoms for the upcoming holiday!  I'm going to my sisters house - the upcoming "Martha Stewart" - she makes her own sherbet don't you know!

Isn't this cool?  I took this other night - it reminds me of 'Werewolf in London" 

My dog seems to think that now that we have new furniture in the family room - he has full rein of the "hockey rink bench" - must be nice to be him!  Check out the pillow under his chin!

Well now let's move on to the serious stuff shall we?   Turkey!  Check these two rappers out!

And lastly, I would like to talk about the scum bag retailers that are open tomorrow!  Kmart, Walmart, Sears are open and ToyRus is opening at 10PM - really you scum bags can't wait until Friday morning?  The scum that run these companies wont' be working rest assured - but the lowly minimum wage workers will be - they won't get to spend a day with their families because they have to work on Thanksgiving Day!  Oh and Kohls is opening at 3:00AM - WTF Kohls - can't wait until 5:00????  Not early enough for you?  I actually do shop at Kohls but am rethinking this one - Kmart, Walmart and Sears - ah no - don't like any of them - don't go there - don't want to!

That's it from there - Wishing you all a very Happy Thanksgiving!  And remember - it's all about the food!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

It's Thirsty Thursday - Let's put our feet up and have a little Jamaican rum punch shall we?

So last week Ms.Bee hopped a plane to Jamaica Mon!  It was all good - I liked Jamaica Mon - the folks were nice - the company was great and we all had a nice little rest away from "the boys"!

This is a little small - I "stole" this from another friend - this is my good friend Terri and I - Terri and I have been friends since Grade 1?  We grew up together and have remained friends since childhood!  Yo Terri - we're stylin in Jamaica Mon!  Me with my braids!

Here's the whole crew having a 'Princess Party"!

And PLEASE - Mother of God and all that is good - would you please NOT do this in Jamaica in case you go and you're a little (or alot) ont he heavy side!

When all else fails - sell aloe that sits on yourhead Mon!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

I'm back Mon!

Hey all 5 of my peeps who read my blog!  I'm back!  Jamaica was awesome Mon!  Yeah Mon!  More on my Jamaican Shenanigans later in the week - I wanted to post some nice pictures of my oldest baby who made his Confirmation into the Catholic Church Saturday before I left.  Now before anyone gets too goofy on me about this church's my upshot on that - I was born a poor white Catholic girl - really - we were brought before the Father every Sunday for Mass - all dressed up in our little dresses and gloves - it is true!

Pat with Mom and Dad!

I was married in the Catholic Church - my children were Baptized in the Catholic Church - my oldest child went to Catholic school - and then the SH*T hit the fan and I sorta got dis-enchanted..........I really had to ask myself what I believed - I will put it all out there right now and say I whole heartedly believe in birth control, a womans right to choose abortion if she so choose, I do NOT believe it should be used as a form of birth control.  I believe gay people should be gay if they want to - some of my good friends are gay and I wouldn't want them any other way.    So then I had to ask myself "well Bridget - are you a good Catholic?" - and for a long time I said to myself  "Girl - you are NOT a good Catholic - you don't believe what is being taught".......but then I sorta got over that - and just said you know what, you gotta teach you kids religion no matter what - because I firmly believe in Jesus Christ.  I believe there is a higher power.  I believe my Dad went to heaven when he took his last breath - I believe he is dancing with the Angels and all those that left before him.  I believe there is a great big party going on and while I love a good party I would like to wait a little longer to go to that one - even though I miss my Dad terribly!

When the time came for Patrick to attend confirmation classes I left the decision up to him.  I didn't insist he go and be confirmed because at that point 2 years ago I was still questioning my own association with the Catholic Church - I told my Mother I was going to South Carolina to join the only God Mother I ever knew and be a Unitarian! (my real God Mother died when I was a baby - our old neighbor and good friend stepped in when I was a young girl and told me she would be my God Mother - she always treated me like one of her own - even though she had 7 of her own - another good Catholic!)  I wanted to sing and hold hands and praise Jesus because that's how they do it in the South!  We good Catholics don't do that - we're boring and stiff!

So know that all 5 of you know my Catholic background - my boy was confirmed last weekend right before I left for Jamaica - I was very proud of him and he brought tears to my eyes!   I wonder if he will bring up his children Catholic????????  Time will tell!  I don't care either way - just show them something - and FYI - I'm in no hurry to be a Grandmother!  Hold off on that thought for another 10 years at least!

Pat and his girlfriend Lindsey and Matt!

The whole Family!

Pat and his Godparents!

Friday, November 5, 2010

And I'm off

Jamaica here I come Mon!

One big happy Island - oh wait.........that's Aruba - but warm, it will hopefully be sunny and it will be relaxing and fun!

And I leave you with this thought.............see you all next week!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Ms.Bee issues a Mea Maxima Culpa

See this lady:

This is Ms.Meg:

Mea Maxima Culpa = My MOST fault!  Mr.Bee is issuing a Mia MAXIMA culpa to Ms.Meg today because never before - EVER has Ms.Bee forgot Ms.Meg's birthday - and guess what Ms.Bee did?  Yup - she forgot the best sister in the worlds birthday!  I am a f*cking idiot!  Ms.Meg's birthday was October 14th - today is Nov 3rd - Ah does something seem amiss here?  Yes - again see above - Ms.Bee is a f'ing idiot!

So - Dear Best Sister in the World - please forgive me - I have had my head up my ass and forgot - I make no excuses and tell the truth............

So - I do have a little something for you - please forgive me????

Monday, November 1, 2010

Fricking Freaky Friday and Monday Musings......

On Friday Ms.Bee thought she'd venture out sore throat and all to get some errands done!  Ms.Bee first headed West to the "Christmas Tree Shop".  For those who live outside of NE - The CSS is a store full of junk and decorative seasonal items - Ms.Bee was in the market for 2 fake trees to put on her front steps for the Christmas Season - check - mission accomplish - but not before she lost her sanity trying to dodge the elderly, the mindless and the idiots!

Next stop in her tangled web - BJ's Wholesale Club - Ms.Bee had coupons - and lots of stuff to purchase - so got in with her carriage and took the place by storm - but not before she battled the morons in the parking lot - trying to get out was even worse - a woman with the baby buggy style carriage stopped right in Ms.Bee's way and she was exiting the register - and Ms.Bee could not move - Mrs.Moron left her carriage and went back to her cashier for something - while Ms.Bee stood there in everyone's way!  Finallly Ms.Bee said "ah - can you move please" - Mrs. Moron got the picture!

Next stop - the grocery store where Ms.Bee encountered a serious Mr.Doofus standing in the middle of the dairy aisle examining the fine print on the store brand individual yogurts - each and every one!  

Again Ms.Been stood there for a minute trying not to say something that would let these idiots know that they're idiots!  Why do I stand there looking aggravated?  Why not yell "Hey Moron - move your fricking cart" - I honestly think I might do this some day - I just pray my Mother isn't with me! 

I do NOT get it!  They're everywhere!  Savoir-Faire was everywhere too right?  But he didn't bother me!

Finally I got to the register and the cashier asked me if I'd like to donate to the local food bank - and I said why yes - I will donate $5.00 - she was so shocked she thanked me up and down - so Ms.Bee asked her - "why are you so thankful to me - the money is going to the local food bank?"  Cashier replied "oh you can't believe how many people get so mad when we ask them" - and then I said - "well I wonder how those folks would like to have to shop at the food bank for their food - and wonder if they'll be able to put a nice dinner on the table at the holidays" - she agreed and wished me a nice weekend!   I will continue to donate to the food bank weekly until they stop's my way of helping out without breaking the bank!

On a savings note:  Ms.Bee took Mr.Teenager shopping for some "stylin" clothing this weekend - IE - jacket and tie kinda clothing - Ms.Bee spent a total of $110.00 for a sport jacket, pants, shirt, tie and belt.........a total savings of $168.00 - Ms.Bee loves a good sale!!!!!!  Now Ms.Bee needs to drive 35 miles this morning to exchange the jacket for the correct size at another store - that is the price you pay for a great sale and 20 percent additional savings!

On a mental note:  Jamaica is this coming Sunday............Need I say more???